Friday, May 30, 2008

She's just a child, you idiot!!

Assalamualaikum and Goodday
Just finished reading Esah's blog. Ada ceriter sedih la plak. Pasal budak umur 5 tahun kene tinggal kat umah sorang-sorang. Dah la home alone, takde makanan pulak tu. Yang mak dia plak gi clubbing...bleh? When she came back she acted as if nothing had happened. Muka tak bersalah.
I hate this kind of people. I mean some people would die to have a child and this biyatttch simply neglecting her God given miracle. If she went to work, then it would be a different story, but went clubbing????!!!! She should be shot to death I tell you. Damn you WOMAN!
Sorry la, since becoming a father, I am quite emo when it comes to people mistreating children. They are so small and vulnerable okay. Feel strong by bullying a child eh? Feel proud when they dont dare to fight you back after you've beaten them? God help you la, may you rot in HELL!!!
Children may not have the brains to comprehend the things done to them. But they do feel sad. Believe me, I know. I've gone thru it before. Nooo, my mother is not a child abuser, but she had this temper. She was young, and I was her first child. And yours truly oso was not an obedient kinda kid :)
So whenever I did something wrong she would grab anything that is around her and the rest is history. I'd usually cry, not so much because of the 'present' I got, but because of not being able to understand my mother's action. 'Apsal mak pukul tadi ye? Mak tak sayang lagi ke? Sampai hati mak buat camtu...'
I'd usually cry until I fell asleep. My mother would come to me to check on the bruises. She would cry out of regret. I knew this because I only 'tido-tido ayam' at the time. Offcourse after waking up, everything went back to normal as if nothing had happened. But the memories, can never be erased, I can still feel the sadness I felt then, eventhough it was more than 20 years ago. The wound healed, but it left a permanent scar.
But as the family grew bigger, my mother became 'cooler' in her approach. My sisters never tasted the real wrath of my mother. I was unlucky because I think it was an experimental period for my parents, they being first time parents and all.
So I had my cut, and I'm currently trying very hard not to be my mother when it comes to Alif and Akif. I want them to love me and my wife. I dont want them feeling sad 20 years from now just because I could not control my anger today. Tapi kekadang tu terlepas jugak la kan. Boleh tahan jugak degil anak aku nih. Memang hati kering la jugak. Agaknya aku dulu camtu la kot.
So people, I'm not gonna teach you how to raise your children, but please remember that some things can be forgiven, but can never be forgotten. We want to grow old having our children around us and caring for us. To have that, we must start from the time they are still young. Offcourse you can scold and cubit them once in a while, but make sure you shower them with love and care. Coz at the end of the day, that is the only thing that matters.
Have a nice weekend.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Assalamualaikum and Goodday
Lesen aku dah mati siotttt....
I found out about this last nite. It expired on May, 22nd (bday sapa ye on the 22nd tuh :)). Maannnn....I've been driving without a licence for 6 days now. Luckily, en polis didnt stop me. But never push your luck too far rite? I'll make sure to renew it during lunch nanti. This time i'll pay for three years straight!!! Eh...brapa hinggit eh stahun?
Btw, my wife ponye driving licence pon expired jugak....ahahahhaha....ekceli dia yg raise the issue, lucky she did, if not i couldnt care less to check my expiry date. Anybody want to sponsor for my licence fee???...ehehehhe

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lepak dan dilepakkan

Assalamualaikum & Goodday

My close fren Azlan Shah Abd Latiff has a blog oredi (ko tak bgtau aku pon Lan). Good for you la Lan. He said he was inspired (sort off) by me. Me???? An inspiration??? Never tot I could be one. Anyways, his blog is entitled Warkah Vernakular (whatever that means) . Go check it out.

Yesterday, Kazarul dropped by. So i took him and his fren to Sabar Menanti for dinner. Good outing la. Things that we talked about - rubbish :) it's a guy thing lah. Offcourse we did talk about our frens. So kutuking oso involved. So to any of my frens yg terbatuk2 malam tadi, I apologize :) Biasa la kan kawan kutuk kawan. Kutuk tuh tanda sayang. ahahhaha... (Kazarul, ko kena mintak maap sendiri eh)

We did not stay long. He had to go to the jon and after that had another 'appointment' with his boss. Hmmm.....i wonder what did they do last nite?.... Jangan buat onar ye Kazarul. At least take a picture la and email one copy to me. ahahahhaha

My days at office is getting longer and longer. Dunno why. Waiting to clock out is like eternity. The only time that I treasure the most is the time with my frens. But offcourse they too have work. So when they are busy, there i was willing the clock to move its jarum panjang to 12 and jarum pendek to 5. Work is that boring now.

But now I have projects. Two projects to be exact. I'm working on it slowly la lest kalo tak jadi takde la malu. ehehehhe.... i'll reveal my projects soon. Dont worry, it's not that interesting anyway :)

so babai people. enjoy the weekend.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Gambar kat Istana

Assalamualaikum and Goodday

Some pics taken from the palace during Sultan Perak's Birthday. My friend and I were the LO for the MB and wife.

Bagi buku aturcara

Me carrying the scroll for MB's speech

Handing the scroll to the MB

On the far side, you could see the 'Raja-Raja Bergelar', they are the ones who will replace the current Sultan according to their seniority.

On other things, my batch are currently being promoted to M48 (acting). Double joy for us!!! Baru je dapat confirmation M44, and now promotion. Kalo tak bersyukur lagi tatau la, please somebody give us a knock on the forehead with a hockey stick.
Some of us got the letter oredi. JPA is doing this exercise staggeredly. I think those who serve at federal level should be getting their promotion letter soon. While us at the state level, there might be some delay due to limited posts.
I think i'll get mine in a couple of months lah. Insya allah, kalo ada rezeki :) the only thing that worries me is - where are they going to transfer me? I think most probably in federal lah. Who knows I'll be back in KL or Putrajaya :) But frankly, i want to be in ipoh for the time being. At least until year end. Hope for the best lah ye.
To my frens yg dah dapat surat tu, congrats (tak reti2 nak open table ke?). Those yg belum, sabor sket ye. Better late than never. Tapi rugi oooo gaji tak naik lagi. ehehehhe..... and offcourse i want to thank God for blessing me with this rezeki. Alhamdullillah. Hopefully i wont be too leka with this new development.

Gua gerak dulu eh....nak pg semayang jumaat!!
**update at 5.30 pm
lupa nak bgtau....
masa ni kan actually ada life telecast kat Bernama TV,......
lupa mau bgtau kengkawan.....

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Good One

Assalamualaikum & Goodday
I think Mother's Day celebration mood is still on. So, i present to you an article that is quite cedih :( have fun reading y'all.
Memang sukar untuk orang lain percaya,tapi itulah yang berlaku. Ibu saya memang seorang pembohong!! Sepanjang ingatan saya sekurang-kurangnya 8 kali ibu membohongi saya. Saya perlu catatkan segala pembohongan itu untuk dijadikan renungan anda sekalian. Cerita ini bermula ketika saya masih kecil. Saya lahir sebagai seorang anak lelaki dalam sebuah keluarga miskin. Makan minum serba kekurangan. Kami sering kelaparan. Adakalanya, selama beberapa hari kami terpaksa makan berlaukkan ikan masin dikongsi satu keluarga. Sebagai anak yang masih kecil, saya sering saja merungut. Saya menangis mahukan nasi dan lauk yang banyak. Tapi ibu cepat memujuk. Ketika makan, ibu sering membahagikan bahagian nasinya untuk saya. Sambil memindahkan nasi ke mangkuk saya, ibu berkata : ""Makanlah nak ibu tak lapar." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG PERTAMA.
Ketika saya mulai besar ibu yang gigih sering meluangkan watu senggangnya untuk pergi memancing di tali air berhampiran rumah. Ibu berharap dari ikan hasil pancingan itu dapat memberikan sedikit makanan untuk membesarkan kami adik-beradik. Pulang dari memancing, ibu memasak gulai ikan yang segar dan mengundang selera. Sewaktu saya memakan gulai ikan itu ibu duduk disamping kami dan memakan sisa daging ikan yang masih menempel di tulang daripada bekas sisa ikan yang saya makan tadi.. Saya sedih melihat ibu seperti itu.. Hati saya tersentuh lalu dengan menggunakan sudu saya memberikan ikan itu kepada ibu. Tetapi ibu dengan cepat menolaknya. Ibu berkata : "Makanlah nak, ibu tak suka makan ikan." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KEDUA.
Di usia awal remaja, saya masuk sekolah menengah. Ibu pergi ke kedai dengan membawa sejumlah penyapu lidi dan kuih-muih untuk menyara persekolahan saya,abang dan kakak. Suatu dinihari lebih kurang pukul 1.30 pagi saya terjaga dari tidur. Saya melihat ibu membuat kuih denagn beremankan sebuah pelita di hadapannya. Beberapa kali saya melihat kepala ibu terhangguk kerana mengantuk. Saya berkata : "Ibu, tidurlah, esok pagi ibu kena pergi kebun pula." Ibu tersenyum dan berkata : "Cepatlah tidur nak, ibu belum mengantuk lagi." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KETIGA.
Di hujung musim persekolahan, ibu meminta cuti kerja supaya dapat menemani saya pergi ke sekolah untuk menduduki peperiksaan penting. Ketika hari sudah siang, terik panas matahari mulai menyinari, ibu terus sabar menunggu saya di luar dewan. Ibu seringkali saja tersenyum dan mulutnya terkumat-kamit berdoa kepada Illahi agar saya lulus ujian peperiksaan ini dengan cemerlang. Ketika loceng berbunyi menandakan ujian sudah selesai, ibu dengan segera menyambut saya dan menuangkan kopi yang sudah disiapkan dalam botol yang dibawanya. Kopi yang kental itu tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan kasih saying ibu yang jauh lebih kental. Melihat tubuh ibu yang dibasahi peluh, saya segera memberikan cawan saya itu kepada ibu dan menyuruhnya minum. Tapi ibu cepat-cepat menolaknya dan berkata : "Minumlah nak, ibu tak haus!!" – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KEEMPAT.
Setelah pemergian ayah kerana sakit, iaitu selepas saya baru beberapa bulan dilahirkan, ibulah yang mengambil tugas sebagai ayah kepada kami sekeluarga. Ibu bekerja mengambil upah di kebun, membuat penyapu lidi dan menjual kuih-muih agar kami tidak kelaparan. Tapi apalah sangat kudrat seorang ibu. Kehidupan keluarga kami semakin susah dan susah. Melihat keadaan keluarga yang semakin parah, seorang pakcik yang baik hati dan tinggal berjiran dengan kami, datang untuk membantu ibu. Anehnya, ibu menolak bantuan itu. Jiran-jiran sering kali menasihati ibu supaya menikah lagi agar ada seorang lelaki yang akan menjaga dan mencarikan wang untuk kami sekeluarga. Tetapi ibu yang keras hatinya tidak mengendahkan nasihat mereka. Ibu berkata : "Saya tidak perlukan cinta saya tidak perlukan lelaki." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KELIMA.
Setelah kakak dan abang habis belajar dan mula bekerja, ibu sudah pun tua. Kakak dan abang menyuruh ibu supaya berehat sahaja di rumah. Tidak payahlah lagi bersusah payah dan bersengkang mata untuk mencari duit. Tetapi ibu tidak mahu. Ibu rela pergi ke pasar setiap pagi menjual sedikit sayur untuk memenuhi keperluan hidupnya. Kakak dan abang yang bekerja jauh di kota besar sering mengirimkan wang untuk membantu memenuhi keperluan ibu, pun begitu ibu tetap berkeras tidak mahu menerima wang tersebut. Malahan ibu mengirim balik wang itu dan ibu berkata : "Jangan susah-susah, ibu ada duit."– PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KEENAM.
Setelah tamat pengajian di universiti, saya melanjutkan lagi pelajaran ke peringkat sarjana di luar Negara. Pengajian saya di sana dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh sebuah syarikat besar. Sarjana itu saya sudahi dengan cemerlang,kemudian saya pun bekerja dengan syarikat yang telah membiayai pengajian saya juga di luar negara. Dengan gaji yang agak lumayan, saya berhajat membawa ibu untuk menikmati penghujung hidupnya di luar negara. Pada pandangan saya, ibu sudah puas bersusah payah untuk kami. Hampir seluruh hidupnya habis dengan penderitaan, eloklah kalau hari-hari tuanya ini ibu habiskan dengan keceriaan dan keindahan pula. Tetapi ibu yang baik hati, menolak ajakan saya. Ibu tidak mahu menyusahkan anaknya ini dengan berkata ; "Tak payahlah, ibu tak biasa tinggal di negara orang." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KETUJUH.
Beberapa tahun berlalu, ibu semakin tua.. Suatu malam saya menerima berita ibu diserang penyakit kanser. Ibu mesti dibedah secepat mungkin. Saya yang ketika itu berada jauh diseberang samudera terus segera pulang untuk menjenguk ibunda tercinta. Saya melihat ibu terbaring lemah di katil hospital setelah menjalani pembedahan. Ibu yang kelihatan sangat tua, menatap ajah saya dengan penuh kerinduan. Ibu menhadiahkan saya sebuah senyuman biarpun agak kaku kerana terpaksa menahan sakit yang menjalari setiap inci tubuhnya.. Saya dapat melihat dengan jelas betapa penyakit itu telah memamah tubuh ibu sehingga ibu menjadi terlalu lemah dan kurus.
Saya menatap wajah ibu sambil berlinangan air mata. Saya cium tangan ibu kemudian saya kecup pula pipi dan dahinya. Di saat itu hati saya terlalu pedih, sakit sekali melihat ibu dalam keadaan seperti ini. Tetapi ibu tetap tersenyum dan berkata : "Jangan menangis nak, ibu tak sakit." – PEMBOHONGAN IBU YANG KELAPAN.
Anda bertuah kerana masih mempunyai ibu dan ayah. Anda boleh memeluk dan menciumnya. Kalau ibu anda jauh dari mata, anda boleh menelefonnya sekarang, dan berkata, 'Ibu,saya sayangkan ibu.' Tapi tidak saya. Sehingga kini saya diburu rasa bersalah yang amat sangat kerana biarpun saya mengasihi ibu lebi dari segala-galanya, tapi tidak pernah sealipun saya membisikkan kata-kata itu ke telinga ibu. Ibu, maafkan saya. Saya sayangkan ibu…

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Alif ada exam

Assalamualaikum & Goodday

Alif has got an exam today. Imagine a 3 and a half year old sitting for an exam. Things kids have to endure nowadays eh.

I think when i was at his age i did nothing but glued myself to the tv. Watching cartoons and singapore's kids programme (my family & I were living in JB then).

Anyways, he seems excited about the exam. Last nite my wife and alif had a revision session. at 10.30 pm i asked him to go to sleep. You know what.....he refused!!! He wanted to continue with the revision. Sooo the rajin one anak aku nih. Totally the opposite of me. I think mebbe ikut his mama kot.

Hope he'll be successful la. My mother always says that even if we are not smart enough, but if we work hard we'll be successful, insya allah. So to Alif, keep on the hardwork and abah will always pray for you.

I got this from Aishah's blog. Tq esah, aku terpaksa kidnap balik gambor nih :)

Last Sunday i went to Padang Polo for my weekends run. is actually an overstatement. Jog would be the proper word :) Anyways, as i was jogging, suddenly i heard a scream. A woman was screaming like crazy. I stopped and watched. Rupanya, anak dia hilang. Kesian plak aku tgk. So i continue with my jog and at the same looking for a little girl.

I finished another round but couldnt find the girl, when i reached the same spot the mother and daughter were oredi reunited. Alhamdullilah. The girl was crying and the mother was crying too. And at the same time was lecturing her daughter. I didnt know what she said cause it was in chinese. But i guess something like any mother would say to her missing daughter lah.

Sib baik jumpa kan. If not it would very ironic to the mother as she was enjoying Mother's Day and at the same lose a child.

So ok la beb. Gotta go now. Happy Belated Mother's Day!!!

Friday, May 09, 2008

i got nothing

ekceli kan. i got nothing to tell pon. but the urge to post is very high :) so just bear with me k.
what to write eh?...ahah!! got it! i finally managed to purchase to last ferrari model - 575 GTC. thank you Shell for replenishing the supply.
now i have a full set. it's not mine ekceli, it's alif's. but since he's very destructive, i think i'll take charge of the cars for the time being. now to find a casing for the cars. i saw one the other day at shell. but it costs too much lah. rm69.90 tuuu. so never mind, i'll think of something.
oh ye. just got back from the mahsuri island. went there for a budget meeting. it was funnnn. a balance of work and leisure. it was raining thou, but it didnt spoil the whole trip.
yang bestnye tuu...bleh plak aku lupa bawak seluar kerja. ahahhaha....i tot everything was in order. so i went there wearing jeans. sampai sana, bukak bag, baru terperasan. petang tu jugak aku pegi beli seluar. habis rm 69.90. damnnn :)
ada la beli barang sket2. you know la the usuals - chocolates, cigarettes, tea set, etc etc. dunno bila lagi nak pegi. but i think i had enuf of langkawi. nak pegi islands on the east side la plak. there, no shopping-shopping :) just relaxing. kalo dapat gi camping lagi best (kaza, wakrin, achik, nik & nizar, please take note)
ok la beb. gua nak gerak. nak gi semyang la plak. see you next week. and dont forget to watch the azlan shah cup cup. support our team ok.
azrul signing off!!!!