this friday (16 February 2007) will mark my third year in government. Cepat betulla. Tak sangka dah 3 taun.
Anyway, it wasn't easy lah to be in government. Different culture, complicated procedures, the lazy staffs and many more. However, so far, i'm happy. Compared to my previous private sector job, i got better job satisfaction in gomen.
It's funny you know. When i graduated, it never occured to me that i would be a gomen officer. my impression of gomen then was BORING and only 'skema' people would go for gomen jobs. some more, i tot that gomen officers were all lazy and only goyang kaki all day long.
but i was wrong. 100% wrong. i ekceli have to work harder in gomen due to the heavy workloads. i'm given much more freedom in decision making. my colleagues are all cool dudes. just like the one i had in private sector.
one more thing, in gomen they stress on trainings. every once in a while u have to go for training. the most famous of all training is off course the basic training or DPA course. DPA is a 6 month course and all you have to do is to attend the classes and off course sit for exams. you are given 6 meals/day and your own room. tp yang paling best, gaji tetap jalan cam biasa. kaya oii 6 bulan gaji full, expenses takde sangat.
but DPA is a very tiring but fun course. especially, the outdoor modules. we had to go for military, police, BOMBA and OBS modules. all are tiring but fun. i dunno how to describe lah. just look at the pics :)
api betul tu tau. Dont play-play
'steady azrul steady...'
i oso dunno which one is me, all look the same init?
Offensive Internal Fire Fighting (OIFF)
Notice that we only crawl in there. if we sit or stand we'll be mati katak due to the extereme heat. scary tak?
me and my buddy padil. tengah tunggu turn untuk scuba. masa ni kira fit gak la. takde spare tyre :) btw, zip tu senget sbb memang style suit tu camtu. it has nothing to do with me
hehehehhh....i was nervous but nak cover line kena la senyum
BOMBA : ko dah readi ke blom ni?
me : dah bang
BOMBA : okeh. dalam kolam tu ko jangan terkencing pulakkk
me : kalo camtu saya pegi toilet dulu la bang
military module - Battle Inoculation (BI)
the soldiers are shooting REAL bullets you know
my platoon and i. we had to crawl for about 100 meters. penat tu jangan cakap la. nak bangun takleh takut mati katak. so crawl je la. along the way tu plak ada a few small lopak. in the lopak they put some kind of explosive and bila we all lalu kat situ je dia meletup. pehhh...memang rasa cam Saving Private Ryan la
padil : lu jangan memain rul, minah tu wa yg punya tau
me : aku dah kawen la bodohhh!!
Notice that we only crawl in there. if we sit or stand we'll be mati katak due to the extereme heat. scary tak?
me : dah bang
BOMBA : okeh. dalam kolam tu ko jangan terkencing pulakkk
me : kalo camtu saya pegi toilet dulu la bang
the soldiers are shooting REAL bullets you know
me : aku dah kawen la bodohhh!!