Monday, November 17, 2008

Nudists Wanted...Register Now!!!

Assalamualaikum & Goodday
I think democracy in Malaysia has elevated by another notch lah. Recently an NGO by the name of Gerakan Reformis Rakyat Malaysia (Reformis) announced that they will organize a nude demostration in front of Selangor's SUK building in their effort to protest the state government's decision to increase the rental rate of Program Perumahan Rakyat (PPR) from RM124 to RM250 per month. Read here
Because of this, everybody in Selangor is now worried of the Nudists' Attack!!!. Ahahha. Malaysia is so colorful, dont you think??!!!
For those who do not have an inkling what PPR is. It is a government program to help the poor rakyats to have their own houses. They can buy it at a minimum cost or just rent it. At least that is what happening in Perak. I believe, the program is more or less the same lah. The target is still those hard core poor rakyats. But if I'm wrong. I sincerely apologize.
To Reformis. I understand that your niat is very true and honorable. You want to help the needy. I support you 110%. After all, the new Pakatan Rakyat government's mantra 'Negeri/Negara Berkebajikan' says it all. They were suppose to care for the poor. But I think maybe since they are unable to collect money from water anymore, they resorted to squeeze some money out of these poor people. Bravo to Selangor. Good management strategy.
So now Reformis is angry. When they are angry they will take off their clothes whilst singing Nelly's Hot in Here....'it's getting hot in take off all your clothes...'
But bro, THE MEANS DO NOT JUSTIFY THE END ok. Are stupid your or something? Did your mother drop you when you were baby? What's wrong with your noggin man???!!!!
Do you realize that you have lost the battle before you even started it. Because now, people are talking about the naked protest and not the real issue, which is the need to help the poor. At the end of the day, nobody wins. No problems solved. And this is all because of you, Reformis.
I wonder what's their real agenda here exactly. Do they really want to fight for the poor or they just want cheap publicity while satisfying their rotten perverted desire. If they really want to proceed with this, they'd better get the likes of Heidi Klum and Halle Berry to join mannn. It'll look much much more desireable compared to the sight of hundreds of ugly naked men chanting and jumping up and down in front of the Selanor SUK. I cannot even imagine it.
There's always a way to help people. It is very encouraging indeed to have NGOs like Reformis as it balances the Government's decisions with their views and propositions. But do it in an acceptable society manner. In this case, Malaysians do not protest in nude. There has never been one, and hopefully it never will. The last ime I checked, this is still an Islamic Country ok. Apa sudah tukar ka?
The fact that the President of Reformis is also a Muslim disgusts me even further. Does he have any sense at all? Why must he goes for the extreme when there are still many civilized ways available? I'd suggest he seeks help for himself first before attending to others' problems.
Ok la. Tu je la kot. My 2 cents for today. See ya!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bangsa Malaysia






Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In NST Yesterday

Got this article from yesterday's NST. Interesting to read and to ponder too. The article is by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar. I think he is one of the best Political Scientist in this country. I been to a lot of seminars conducted by many Political Scientists. But so far, I respected Dr. Chandra the most. He's always so objective and he answers with neutrality. Never pick sides. So if you have the time. You may want to read this.
Obama and malaysian
minorities: Too sweeping a comparison
IN the wake of Barack Obama's electoral triumph in the United States, some Malaysian politicians, non-governmental organisation activists, newspaper columnists and members of the public have made utterly shallow and superficial comments about the significance of his victory to minorities and ethnic politics in Malaysia.
The US' majority-minority dichotomy has very little relevance to our country. Though a member of the African-American minority, which is about 12 per cent of the US population, Obama subscribes to Christianity, the religion of the white majority.His mother tongue -- English -- is the mother tongue of the majority community. His culture is, to all intents and purposes, indistinguishable from the culture of the majority.Like most other African- Americans, and indeed most of the other minorities such as the Latinos and Asians, Obama has been absorbed and assimilated into what is sometimes described as mainstream "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant" (WASP) culture.
However, for African-Americans, in particular, their total assimilation was hampered and hindered by the racial barrier of colour. It was the colour bar with all its historical (slavery) and sociological (lower economic echelon) implications that underscored their minority status.
Compare their minority status to the position of the Chinese and Indian Malaysian minorities. Most Chinese and Indian Malaysians are non-Muslims and have no affiliation whatsoever to Islam, the religion of the majority Malay community. The Malay language is not their mother tongue. In fact, the overwhelming majority of the Chinese community, in particular, remains deeply attached to its own mother tongue. More than 90 per cent of Chinese parents send their children to Chinese primary schools.
For the most part, Chinese and Indian cultures have preserved and perpetuated their distinct identities.Chinese and Indian elites, whether in government or with the opposition, have always been opposed to any attempt to absorb their communities into the cultural ethos of the majority community. Neither has the government been inclined towards assimilation as a cultural policy.
By and large, it is the path of integration that the government has chosen, which accommodates cultural diversity and seeks to promote unity by emphasising the primacy of the nation's lingua franca. The Chinese and Indian communities prefer integration to assimilation.Since this is their preference, they should not expect an assimilated "Obama" to emerge from their ranks.
To explain this in more concrete terms, one should perhaps try to visualise the life story of an Obama equivalent in Malaysia. His father would have come from a Buddhist, or Hindu or Christian family outside Malaysia, married a Malay-Muslim woman from say Kedah or Kelantan, and produced an offspring who would have spoken Bahasa Malaysia as his mother tongue, studied in a Malay-medium school, graduated from a Malay-medium university, and would have been thoroughly assimilated into Malay culture and society. How could one regard such a person as the poster-boy of the Chinese or Indian minority in this country?
This illustrates the danger of making simplistic comparisons between minorities in two totally different situations without any understanding of their respective milieus.Rather than indulge in such rhetoric which invariably has a communal edge to it, our politicians and media commentators should help to promote our Bahasa Malaysia-based primary school as the school of first choice so that young Malaysians will, at least, have the opportunity to interact with one another during the most impressionable stage of their lives.
Of course, interaction alone will not enhance national unity if we are not just and fair to everyone, regardless of their cultural or religious affiliation.


Assalamualaikum & Goodday

This post is recommended for gomen servants only. Others are also welcomed to read. Tapi takut korang busan la plak kannnn. Tapi sebenarnya tak busan pon :)


Just got back from Competency Level Assesment 3 (TK3). For those who are not in the government, TK3 is an assessment we gomen servants have to pass before being promoted. Lebih kurang la. Maleh aku terang panjang-panjang :)
Anyways, to my frens who are taking TK3 in December, I have a reminder : BE PREPARED
It's hard for me to say whether it's easy or hard. I think it's a combination of both. Ok now, let me give you a sneak preview of what you gonna go thru in December.
The first 2 days you'll have to endure a series of ceramahs. The lecturers were all ok except for one guy. We unanimously rated him at 1 or 2 (the scale is from 1 to 7 and 1 being the worst). He was badddd. Who? I guess you'll never know because the secretariats pon were shocked when they saw the assessment. ehhehehe
From Day3 to Day6, there will be:
  • Pengucapan Awam (10 min)
  • Public Speaking (10 min)
  • Individual Presentation (10 min + 5 min Q&A)
  • Group Presentation (20 min + 5 min Q&A)
Day7 is revision day. Yeah riteeeee.....revision la sangatttttt
Day8 is the Written Exam from Hellllll. It was quite hard (at least for me). There are 21 questions. But you will have to answer only 5. I managed to answer all 5. But I doubt my answers were perfect. The faci told us to try to answer in at least 4 pages for each question. But it is hard to goreng that much in 3 hours ok. Unless, if you oredi know the answer to all the questions then it's ok. But if you need time to think and structure your answer, you can kiss your 4 page answer goodbye :). The most important thing is to answer all 5.
Some more, there are no notes ok. They did give us the ceramah slides, but it didnt help at all. So to you guys yg nak amik in December. Please read one or two books as suggested in JPA punye website tuh. I think it'll help a lot. If you ask me, I'll choose to read on Leadership, Integrity & Communication Skills. Your choice la dude.
For the speeches, make sure you prepare something mature ok. There will be 21 topics for you to choose. Choose wisely. If you want the list of the topics. Email me personally. ehehhehe...nothing's free my fren. The same goes to the individual & group presentation. Use management tools ok ie SWOT, McKinsey 7s etc etc. Kalo tak nanti kena sound dengan panel. The typical comments:
Actually You all ni ada potensi. Tapi masih raw
lagi. Kurang mature. You all dah M48 tau. So please act like
one. Jangan pakai mentaliti M41/44 lagi masa present.

You all ni presentation ada isi. Tapi analisis
kurang la. You all tak baca buku niiii....
In a way, aku agree jugak dengan panel. We are still immature as far as experience is concerned. And after TK3 ni, I realized that M48 ni bukan main2 beb. Our decision will affect the country tau. So kalo kena tiaw dengan panel tu terima je la. We may feel that they are envy of us, but I could sense they actually care for us, the service and the country....ehehehhe....sket poyo disituuu
So anyways, goodluck untuk korang. Aku ni yang sibuk bagi tips ni pon tak tentu lepas ke tak lagi. So tolong la doa2kan ye.