Tuesday, March 31, 2009

PTK & Earth Hour

I sat for my PTK exam last Friday.  Boyyy...I was nervous.  This is my second time.  The JPA further substantiated this by adding MS (1) at the end of my index number.  MS means 'Menduduki Semula'.  I felt embarrassed.  Rasa cam ada capital L kat dahi aku nih.  Yup I still cannot accept the fact that I failed on my first attempt.  What to do?
So, how did I do?  I thought I did better than before.  I answered all questions in 3 pages.  I did the intro, contents and summary for all questions.  My timing was also perfect.  And I also felt the questions were much much much easier than my first time.  Hence, I was confident.
However, I know that confidence alone is not enough.  I felt confident the first time.  And yet I failed.  So this time around, even though I was confident, I would rather not to put high hopes lest I would reduce myself to a complete loser should I failed again.  I really hope that God will help me this time.  Ya Allah, Engkau kurniakanlah kejayaan buat hambaMu yang lemah ini.  Aminn....
Most of my friends who took the exam for the first time felt it was hard.  Some of them didn't even finish - Not enough time.  They spent too much time on their first question and then struggled to catch up.  Well, I guess this proves that experience is the best teacher.  I do hope that all of us (especially the repeaters) will pass the exam.  Insya Allah...

And on Saturday I participated in Earth Hour.  And as expected some of friends were busy busting my chops for doing this.  Biasa budak2 laki nih.  Kalo tak kutuk memang tak sah.  Skema la, poyo la.  Blah la korang... 
Ahahaha.... FYI, as Muslims, it is our responsibility to take care of this world ok.  So you guys better think again :)  I still remember learning about this (caring for nature) when I was in Form 3.  There was a Dalil.  But I only remember the first part of it.  Nanti la kalo aku ingat aku post eh.
Ok la peeps.  Busan ah nak menaip.  Sambung nanti la.  Adios!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Muahahahaha.. PTK? My mom yg dah ngajar 3 dekad pun x lepas PTK.. wondering jugak.. Most senior teachers thinks PTK nie nonsense je lebih...