I'm soooo hungry. Famished actually. And lunch is 3 hours away. huhuhuhu.
Anyways, my weekend ponya activity
Bad news lah. I have brain problem. Last week i didnt finish one single run (it's jog actually). Dunno why. The legs werent tired, stamina was ok. Only mental not ok. I always kalah to the slightest obstacle i.e. ada anjing kat depan la, orang bakar sampah la, tali kasut terlerai la....
I missed the days when i was strong mentally. I used to represent my school in 4 x 400m and cross country tau. and hockey too. center half position lagi. for those non hockey fan, center half is the most penat position in hockey....:P
Yup, people believe it or not. CROSS COUNTRY tu beb. So now i know that i do (or is it I DID) have the ability to do this. but why now cannot eh?
I think it's because of the excessive lemak around my belly lah. i'm heavy now. or maybe it's just one of those days lah when u just feel lazy & helpless :P
hmm....this week i'll make sure that i'll finish even if i have to crawl...eheheh
went to Damai Laut in Lumut during the weekend. Ipoh's lawyers ponya family day. best gak la. dapat gak jalan2 and rilex. here are the pics
Special Agent Mama & Special Agent Hafi. Masa ni on our way to sukaneka. tgh tunggu lif. punya la lembab. so amik gambor dulu la.
Pertandingan sapa amik paling gula-gula dia menang. hadiahnya...gula-gula yg diorang amik tu je la :) mama tgh tolong alip masukkan gula2 tuh dalam seluar
damai laut ko lepak apartment ke resort? aku ada voucher free 3d 2n nih..bila ntah nak pegi.
tok man > aku lepak kat apartment/studio. ok la, kira puas hati gak la. tapi offcourse resort lagi ok lah. baik ko duduk kat resot la...
dah tentu voucher aku utk apartment. eheh. kalau aku pg confirm kena call ko jd tourist guide. aku fail habis negeri perak ni.
anim still maintain rugged gak yee?..baguihh..baguihhh...masih bleh geng ngan teman. hari tu mase kemaih barang terjumpe balik diaries time sekolah rendah, buku otografs & loads of pics yg ada gambo teman, anim & putri etc. nanti le teman taruk dlm blog teman. suruh deme tengok & ingat kenangan lalu..hahaha..
btw, teman berkenan bebeno ngan gambo dia main volleyball tu. kuikuikuiii..;-)
Tok man > no hal punya. call je aku. tp memang jalan nak ke sana tu berbelit-belit sket
nana > kami memang sentiasa nana oiii....nanti dah ada pics upload la ye....bleh la tgk gambo lelama ni...
Anak kau sungguh come..geram aku tgk..
Aku tgh projek kurus gak sekarang..ubat kurus recommended by cik pun rambutan..hehehehehe..tapi i tell u azrul, lemak kat perut tu memang jenis tepula..susah woo mau kasik cair..
ajer > betul tuuu...lemak kat perut tu memang degil sesangat...dulu masa kat PPP aku buat sit up hari2 pon takmo kempis gak...hmmm kena buat lipo suction kot :)
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