Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Good One

Assalamualaikum & Goodday
There is a tendency among Malays to regard the discrimination in their favour as a privilege, as a recognition of their superior status. I think this is wrong. The discrimination is in order to give them a kind of headstart so that they can catch up with other races. To me, it is shameful to have to be protected because we do not have the capacity to compete. We are not Red Indians to live on reserves. We should regard it as a temporary expedient to be done away with once we have achieved the capacity to compete on our own.
This is taken from Tun Dr M's article.
Please spare some time to read it. And if you are a Malay, please read it twice. Dont worry, this article is not just about the malays, it's about Malaysians.
Basically, it's about defending the privilege of the Bumiputra with honor and dignity. If we are able to do this, nobody will want to question the privilege. So sapa2 yang masih tido lagi tu, sila la bangun. Sedar la diri tu sket, sampai bila nak kena tolong. ehehhe
One more thing, try to read this too. See how would your brain & heart respond to it :)
p/s: zid, this article basically sum up the discussion we had the other day :)

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