Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's on my mind

I'm not comfortable with the going-ons in the country. I feel claustrophobic. Tension ah. So today I'm just gonna say whatever I'm feeling inside my heart.
Racism will always be part of this beloved country whether we like it or not. It's in every and each one of us without we even realizing it. We are actually the perpetrators who perpetuate racism in this country.
Even government policies which were initially intended to solve racial inequality eventually create a new form of racial inequality issue. Take it for example, the economy, policy such as DEB was not intended to stamp the malays superiority or supremacy over other races. It was intended to lift the economic status of the Malays which was then, too far behind, so that everybody regardless of race will enjoy the same portion of the country's wealth. Lifting the Malays' status is essential in ensuring the survival, security and sovereignty of this country.
However, due to elements of manipulation and politicization, the policy was eventually portrayed as an act of racism. Until today, certain quarters ie. politicians have been using DEB as an escape clause whenever they are cornered by their critics in order to divert the attention of the public from the issue at hand.
I'm not worried if racism is practised through obvious channels. At least we know who or what we are dealing with. Thus, it will easier for us to remedy. We should, on the other hand fear those who are racist in silence. These chauvinists are masquerading their cause in the name of integrity, transparency, trust, justice, welfare or whatever BS they call it. Catch my drift?
They too are smart as they are pushing their cause within the boundary of the law through the manipulation of loopholes. This is done with subtlety as to give perception that their cause of action are unequivocally truthful and sincere.
I feel that as a civilized society, we need to have high respect for the law. However, laws cannot always provide us with fairness and justice. It just makes it possible. Only people with rational minds and CLEAN hearts can guarantee fairness and justice. There's no two way about it. Having said that, I think Malaysia still has a long way to go. Dunno la....ghunsing ah aku....

1 comment:

Nomee said...
