Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Mana suma blogger pegi nih?

I notice that most active bloggers are not active today.  Why eh?  I guess everybody is concentrating on the tri-election areas.  Wow....this time, the by-elections really draw serious attention from all and sundry eh.  Good luck to all candidates, I really hope the voters will vote for the best candidate.  Do not gamble ok.  Vote with wisdom.

At least five people have asked me today - tuan rasa, sapa yang menang tuan?

I was dying to answer and deliberate.  But I know that's not possible.   My job is to defend the integrity of my service and the good name of the government.  I must be seen as neutral.  I must not be biased.  I must show to the people of my district that my job is to serve them and the government of the day whoever they maybe.  I must facilitate and not frustrate.  Poyo jangan tak poyooo..... :P

So, as long as I am in the office and wearing my name tag and tie and whatnot, my answer would be - sapa-sapa menang pon tak kisah la.  Asalkan saya boleh buat kerja dah la  :P

You may feel that I'm taking things too seriously.  What do you expect?  Of course I take my job seriously.  As a government servant, I need to take every steps carefully lest I'd receive tons of complains against me.  'Our successes are ignored....our failures are exaggerated'.

But at the end of the day, I'm just another citizen, another voter, another supporter and my true allegiance is to my beloved country.  I have my own rights, I expect people to respect that.  Keranamu Malaysia :)  


Nomee said...

Ala.. terlepas pulak baca entru nko semalam.

Azrul said...

Nomi > buleh je baca. apa yg terlepasnya. ada je kat situ :)